Sabrina Rinaldi

Wildlife Artist
Sabrina Rinaldi

An entirely static artistic portfolio website, initially crafted with Jekyll and now powered by Eleventy. This project, which spans multiple languages and domains, is managed within a unified repository. Experimental workflows, meticulously researched and seamlessly integrated, contributed to a creatively challenging and original development process. The frontend, custom-tailored to the client's specifications, is constructed from the ground up using Liquid, UIKit, Gulp, and SASS. The deployment workflow effortlessly includes automatic FTP upload to the hosting server. Additionally, the site is SEO-optimized, boasting a dual sitemap catering to both pages and images.

Raffaella Rinaldi

Interested in hiring me for your project?

Looking for an experienced online presence specialist to enhance your digital visibility? To start an initial chat, just drop me an email at or use the form on the contact page.